畅游行 Issue 114电子版



  1. 封面故事:南美之南 巴塔哥尼亚
  2. 目的地:
    • 桂林阳朔  老地方·新感受 
    • 长亭外,古道边  韶关天涯
    • 徒步走入云南秘境 ——雨崩村
  3. 诗游记:辽阔草原,最纯粹的美 
  4. 新加坡:旧物焕新(下) 物尽其用,重获新生 
  5. 马来西亚:被遗忘的大地之子 

《畅游行》2022年8月号《南美之南 巴塔哥尼亚》面市咯!


封面故事:南美之南 巴塔哥尼亚
Cover Story: Patagonia, the South of South America


In a remote corner of the earth, there is a marvelous place that encompasses a variety of natural landforms, including giant glaciers, icy lakes, steep mountain peaks and dense forests. This is a mysterious place with fickle weather, as well as aboriginal culture and unique murals left by ancient humans. This is also a vibrant and lively place where travellers can enjoy tours filled with wildlife, food and festivities. This is Patagonia, the southernmost tip of South America.

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一年 One Year, 两年 Two Years, 一期 One issue

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