畅游大中华 Greater China


Immersing in Shanxi (Part 1)

关公,忠义仁勇的化身,为全球华人所敬仰。关公威名震华夏,亦为儒释道三教共同敬奉的神明。身长九尺,紫面长髯,丹凤眼,卧蚕眉,胯下赤兔马,掌中青龙偃月刀…… 关公形象和典故,无论在小说、戏剧、 影视,抑或电子游戏,早已深入人心。然而,你可知道这位历史上赫赫有名的人物来自山西?说到山西,一曲《人说山西好风光》,定会让你遐想万千,心向往之。

The faithful and courageous Guan Gong, revered by Chinese people worldwide, has left an indelible mark through his stories and legends in literature, drama, film, and even games. However, did you know that this illustrious historical figure hails from Shanxi? When it comes to Shanxi, the song “Shanxi Boasts Beautiful Scenery” will surely evoke countless imaginations and longing in your heart.

山西省文化和旅游厅、摄图网等/图     吕美姿/绘

“不到山西,不懂中国,到过山西,才知华夏。”短短十六字,真切道出山西作为华夏文明发祥地之一的重要地位。 这里“盛产”历史名人,除了“武圣”关羽,还有“中国第一位女皇帝”武则天、“天下第一神探”狄仁杰、《资治通鉴》 作者宋代政治家司马光、写出“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”诗句的诗人王勃、《三国演义》作者罗贯中、现代科幻作家刘慈欣等。这里也“盛产”传说,许多新马人耳熟能详的传说故事, 发生地都在山西,女娲补天、大禹治水、后羿射日、愚公移山、 精卫填海……不胜枚举。

云冈石窟第20窟大佛。The 20th Cave Buddha of Yungang Grottoes. 山西省文化和旅游厅提供

Shanxi, recognised as one of the cradles of Chinese civilisation, has nurtured numerous historical figures, including the “God of Loyalty and Righteousness”, Guan Gong, the “First Female Emperor of China” Wu Zetian, the “Chinese Amazing Detective”, Di Renjie, and the author of “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, Luo Guanzhong. Additionally, it’s the birthplace of numerous legends, such as Nüwa Mending the Sky, Yu the Great Taming the Flood, and Hou Yi Shooting the Sun.

应县木塔。The wooden pagoda of Ying County. 山西省文化和旅游厅提供

山西拥有得天独厚的天然环境与多样地貌,黄河、长城、 太行三大旅游资源聚集于此,王莽岭、娘子关、杀虎口、老牛湾、乾坤湾、壶口瀑布等精华景点遍布全省。四季分明的气候, 加上独一无二的地理环境、文旅资源、森林植被、地热温泉、 中医中药等优势,使山西成为当之无愧的康养胜地。

壶口瀑布。The Hukou Waterfall. 摄图网图

Shanxi boasts an abundance of natural landscapes and diverse terrain, where the Yellow River, the Great Wall, and the Taihang Mountains converge. Throughout the province, visitors can explore scenic spots like Wangmang Ridge, Niangzi Pass, Laoniuwan Bend, Qiankunwan Bend, and Hukou Waterfall. With its distinct four-season climate and unique geographical features, including forested areas and geothermal hot springs, Shanxi offers an ideal setting for health and wellness seekers.

五台山显通寺。The Xiantong Temple of Mount Wutai. 摄图网图

庞大的古代建筑群是山西一大特色。山西被称为 “中国古建的顶级殿堂”,境内有3 处UNESCO 世界文化遗产:云冈石窟、五台山、平遥古城。山西的古堡群落如遗珠般矗立在乡野间,历经岁月雕琢,展现着难得一见的“天然去雕饰”之美,知名的有皇城相府、湘裕古堡、张壁古堡。乔家大院、王家大院、常家庄园这些民宅大院也非常值得一看。世界上现存最高大、最古老纯木结构楼阁式建筑——应县木塔、因“巧俏奇险” 而闻名的“空中楼阁”悬空寺,也在山西。

乔家大院。The Qiao Family Compound. 摄图网图

Shanxi is renowned for its rich architectural heritage, featuring 3 UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites: the Yungang Grottoes, Mount Wutai, and the Pingyao Ancient City. Notable castle communities include Huangcheng Ancient Castle, while residential courtyards like Qiao Family Compound offer a glimpse into Shanxi’s architectural legacy.

五老峰景区。Wulaofeng Mountain. 山西省文化和旅游厅提供

山西是饕客眼中的“面食王国”,面食品类达400多种。吃一碗刀削面,配上平遥牛肉,尝尝山西老陈醋, 再来一壶汾酒,直达灵魂的美味令人念念不忘。酒足饭饱,还能欣赏大型实景演艺《又见平遥》,沉浸式体验晋商商业传奇。

山西刀削面。Daoxiao noodles of Shanxi. 山西省文化和旅游厅提供

Shanxi is affectionately known as the “Kingdom of Wheat Foods” by culinary enthusiasts. After a satisfying meal, immerse yourself in the captivating live performance “See Pingyao Again”, experiencing firsthand the legendary business acumen of Shanxi merchants.

山西之名由 The origin of the name “Shanxi”

山西因居太行山之西而得名,简称“晋”, 雅称“表里山河”。
Shanxi, known as “Province with Magnificent Landscapes”, derives its name from being situated west of the Taihang Mountains.

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