畅游行 Issue 102 电子版


Cover Story: Visiting Mount Wutai

说起山西五台山,佛教徒应该都很熟悉:“文殊菩萨的道场啊!”金庸迷也一定知道,神山上人曾是山上清凉寺的方丈,清顺治皇帝亦在此出家。对建筑有研究的话,必曾发愿到当地唐代木建筑——佛光寺朝圣。或者你更想寻访鲁智深大闹五台山处,顺道邂逅美丽的日出、明月、云海。天色暗了,转入灯火阑珊下的戏台,五爷庙的人间烟火才正要上演呢 ……

Mount Wutai in Shanxi is known to be the bodhimanda (meaning “position of awakening” in Buddhism) of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom. Fans of wuxia novels would have heard of Mount Wutai, as it appears in several of Jin Yong’s popular novels. Temples on the mountain are also mentioned in the classical Chinese novel “Water Margin”. Those who are interested in architecture cannot miss the wooden structure of Foguang Temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty. At Mount Wutai, you could behold breathtaking sunrises, sea of clouds and giant moon at night. Only after nightfall, Wuye Temple starts to see a large crowd…

Cover Story: Visiting Mount Wutai

说起山西五台山,佛教徒应该都很熟悉:“文殊菩萨的道场啊!”金庸迷也一定知道,神山上人曾是山上清凉寺的方丈,清顺治皇帝亦在此出家。对建筑有研究的话,必曾发愿到当地唐代木建筑——佛光寺朝圣。或者你更想寻访鲁智深大闹五台山处,顺道邂逅美丽的日出、明月、云海。天色暗了,转入灯火阑珊下的戏台,五爷庙的人间烟火才正要上演呢 ……

Mount Wutai in Shanxi is known to be the bodhimanda (meaning “position of awakening” in Buddhism) of Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of wisdom. Fans of wuxia novels would have heard of Mount Wutai, as it appears in several of Jin Yong’s popular novels. Temples on the mountain are also mentioned in the classical Chinese novel “Water Margin”. Those who are interested in architecture cannot miss the wooden structure of Foguang Temple, which was built in the Tang Dynasty. At Mount Wutai, you could behold breathtaking sunrises, sea of clouds and giant moon at night. Only after nightfall, Wuye Temple starts to see a large crowd…

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